Post Vacation Blues

Jul 10, 2023

he end of a vacation week brings mixed feelings. We feel rejuvenated and relaxed from the time away, but we dislike some aspects as we return to work. Responsibilities can be overwhelming, and catching up on tasks and meetings creates stress. We miss the freedom and flexibility of vacation, where we structure our time as we please. Readjusting to the routine can bring a sense of dread, especially with added responsibilities like school preparations. When you dread returning to work and feel overwhelmed by pressure, unhappiness, and lack of support, it's important to address these challenges. 

What you can do:

  • Reflect on the underlying causes of the unhappiness: Take time to reflect on the specific reasons for your unhappiness and dread. Is it the nature of the work itself, the work environment, or specific interactions with colleagues? Identifying the root causes can help you devise targeted solutions. Figuring out what will make you happy. This requires self-reflection and exploration. 


  • Reflect on your values and passions: Consider what truly matters to you. Reflect on your core values, the activities that bring you joy, and what makes you feel fulfilled. Understanding your values and passions can help guide you toward activities and pursuits that align with your happiness, peace, and contentment. Check-in and make sure what you are doing is aligned with your values and passions. — Contact me if they are not aligning. I am happy to help.


  • Assess your strengths and skills: Take inventory of your strengths, talents, and abilities. Identify the areas where you excel and enjoy working. Focusing on your muscles in your work can contribute to a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Aligning our strengths to our work is correlated with increased motivation, engagement, and an overall positive outlook. (This just happens to reduce stress, improve immune function and lead to career advancement)


  • Explore different interests and opportunities: Be open to exploring new attractions and opportunities within your job or home life. What are some new hobbies you'd like to try? What activities can you engage in outside of your comfort zone (at work or home), or where can you volunteer in areas that align with your values? These experiences can provide insights into what brings you happiness and fulfillment. This is associated with an increase in perceived well-being.


  • Lastly, reflect on your past experiences: Consider past experiences when you felt happy and fulfilled. Identify the factors, situations, and environments that contributed to your positive experiences. Was it the type of work, the environment, the people, or a combination of various elements? Reflecting on these experiences can provide valuable insights into what you should prioritize in your search for indivisible happiness.

Remember that happiness is an inside job. We all must reflect on who we are at the core of our souls. This allows for a space where our light pours out of us. We've all seen this in others. It happens when you are aligned and connected to yourself inside. When we accept ourselves as we are, miracles do happen. Indivisible happiness is available to you anytime; you just need to drop in. 




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