How Emotions Shape Our Perception of the World

Oct 03, 2023

Have you ever returned from a much-needed vacation only to find yourself struggling to get back into the groove of work? That's precisely what happened to me after my first break in five years. The post-vacation blues hit hard, and I found myself grappling with a bad attitude, a lack of motivation, and an overall sense of mental fatigue. It left me wondering, "What is going on?"

The truth is, how we feel has a direct impact on how we show up in our work, our relationships, and our life. It's a profound connection that often goes underestimated.

Drawing upon insights from neuroscience and Eastern philosophy, I've come to understand that our emotions shape our perception of the world. When we're exhausted, everything feels exhausting. When we're happy, life appears amazing. Even hunger can color our perception, making us find frustration in the simplest of things. Conversely, a phone call from that special someone can infuse us with newfound energy and excitement. The key question is: How does this transformation occur?

Our minds have a remarkable ability to shift rapidly. We can either allow ourselves to be swept away by external circumstances, people, and places, feeling helpless in the process, or we can learn to regain control of our mindset.

So, how do we change our minds?

The answer lies in a simple yet profound truth: What we think, we become.

But how can we break free from a persistent funk that seems to have settled in, regardless of the cause? Happiness, I've come to realize, is an inside job – an unassailable fact.

It's a common misconception to believe that our frustrations and unhappiness are caused by external factors like our spouse or a team member. The reality is quite different. Relying on external circumstances or people for our happiness means surrendering our power. This isn't how life works.

True happiness is found within ourselves, and when we discover it, it's indivisible. But how do we embark on this inner journey?

Unlike instant processes like making popcorn, mixing a cocktail, or receiving a date invitation from someone captivating, genuine happiness isn't about external events. It's about learning to dismantle our knee-jerk reactions, break free from habitual thoughts and behaviors, and find inner calmness. When we achieve this inner serenity, we experience a transformative shift. We stop needing things to be different, become genuinely honest with ourselves, and learn to accept things as they are – including ourselves. In this acceptance, our thoughts undergo a profound change, and we begin to feel a sense of peace welling up within us. This is the essence of true happiness.

Operating from this place of inner contentment is empowering, revitalizing, and incredibly stimulating. It allows us to see our path with clarity, reducing the clutter of endless to-do lists and distractions. We become attuned to where we want to go and why we want to get there.

By consistently repeating this process day after day, we reshape our brains to foster prosperity, serenity, and the future we desire. The underlying reason for its success lies in the intrinsic realization that we are enough just as we are.

As leaders in of companies, and state and federal agencies,  it's vital to understand that the power to transform your own life and the lives of your team members lies within your grasp. By helping your staff change their thinking. you set the stage for a high-performance, highly motivated workplace where productivity soars and employees find meaning in their work. That's what everyone is looking for!


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