Sick And Tired of Being Sick And Tired

Aug 21, 2023


What does it take to make a good life nowadays? What does it take to be happy? Can I be truly happy when I can’t pay my bills? Can the two things co-exist? The truth is... Happiness is not based on:

  • Being able to pay your bills
  • Losing a job
  • Whether you are in a contentious divorce
  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Losing a child
  • Being allergic to over 50 food items
  • Being kicked out of your home
  • Losing your attorney (in the middle of a court proceeding)

I’ve done all that and more, and I’m truly happy. I’ve learned that even while any of these above things were happening, I could experience happiness and create what I wanted, but it took learning how to be in the present moment. I’ve realized that I am in control of my happiness, what I do, and think, what I focus on, and as a result, my health, sleep, and outcome.

If we are talking about pain and suffering, I have experienced my fair share. But all that was said and done, I pursued my goals, intentions, and dreams and didn’t let them go. I have done what I wanted in life; studied with a guru at Harvard, became a coach (to help others learn how to do this), and am a good, kind, honest, sincere, and intelligent human.

Right now, life is throwing all kinds of curve balls at us now, and we need to get out of our own way and get a few things straight. AI will take jobs, the economy won’t bounce back quickly, and we need to create value in who we are and what we do.

First, find something that motivates you. I don’t care if it’s making the best tortilla, being the best yogi, starting a food truck business, or creating a 5-star experience for your customers. Find something within reach that you can start doing every day and that you can start to focus on. This switches your brain into empowerment mode. When something gets you down, when life throws a curve ball - bring this intention into your mind. Think about it, make a Pinterest board, google it, learn more, and read about it. Start doing it, relentlessly.

Second, align your life with your intention. What I mean by this is when you are unsure, uncertain, full of doubt, or just down and out, focus on your intention or your “thing”. This, again, switches your brain into empowerment mode and gives you a shot of dopamine to get excited. It drives the inner you to get up and go out and do what you need to do to get to the thing you want to do.

Third, stop, close your eyes, and imagine daily. Most of us have forgotten how to do this since becoming adults. I want you to take 30 min or an hour a day ( I mean it ) and put some great music on, lay down, and close your eyes. Now imagine you doing this “thing”. Imagine you being this “thing”. Just allow yourself to stay there and be a kid, actually feel yourself being or doing what it is you choose. Choose this wholeheartedly and keep going deeper and deeper until the time is up. Quite frankly, it’s nice to make a playlist and put it on for a set amount of time, and when it’s over, you have completed your meditation!

Doing these steps over time, will help you remodel your neural networks, reducing the time and attention you are actively placing on all the stressors. This helps rewire your brain and change your outcome because where you put your time and attention is what you are creating.

By taking the time to do these 3 steps, you are taking control of your life. Make the time you put into this “sacred". This is truly a form of devotion to who and what you are. This is the secret sauce.


As a reward for making it to the end of the article we would like to offer you a 30 day free trial of The Brain Gym.

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